Broad Oak
Farm -
Premium Chipolatas
We had been
sampling quite a few chipolatas
recently, and in picking up these
65% meat content chipolatas, I
slipped up not reading the packet
properly before purchasing...
Broad Oak Farm sausages are all
packaged in that opaque, grease
proof paper like material so you
can't see the actual product though
it. All of their product is
like this, and I didn't notice until
now that the casings are all beef
protein (otherwise known as collagen)
across their range.
Now we'd had trouble with this type
of casing in sampling before as even
with the heat down when pan frying
we did unfortunately have all the
skins split. Less evident on the
barbeque or grill so we wonder if
the extra oil in the pan over
softens the beef protein casings.
We went ahead with sampling and used
this time just a dot of oil in the
pan with much lower heat again than
we would normally use. A few
splits but the contents did stay
Texture-wise they were
quite smooth but a tad overly moist.
The skins were soft and rubbery to
be honest. I'm sure the oil
does this as I grilled a couple and
didn't get the same effect with that
Taste-wise, nothing to write home
about if honest. A bit light
on seasoning for us.
In a sandwich, not bad with some
brown sauce...but as the Premium
Pork Chipolatas they're labelled as?
A bit disappointing really.
Would we buy again? Probably
Broad Oak
Farm - Premium Chipolatas
(May 2015)
Here's the
sample details:
90x20mm before cooking, 90x20mm
28g before cooking, 26g after.
That's a shrinkage of 0% & weight loss of approx
8 sausages in a 220g pack £1.49
(approx £6.80/kg)